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Joe Average: Everyone has the right to believe as they want


Why is it that some people are offended by another person’s belief or opinion? But get incensed, angry, mad, when their belief or opinion is questioned? Is this part of the two tiered system we now have?

Perrysburg taxes are out of control


To the editor,

Joe Average: Success is an every day journey


Success – just what is it? Every child in school learns, to be ‘successful.’ one must get a good education, in order to obtain a good job or career. Our educational system teaches math, science, computers, English as well many other useful and needed subjects. At least it should be. This is where true learning happens. More on this later. When they graduate, whether from high school, college, or trade school, our children have been prepared for ‘success.’

Ghanbari is a proven leader


To the editor,

Otsego is where children flourish


To the editor,

Ghanbari goes the extra mile


To the editor: