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Majewski is not a good fit for Congress


To the editor,

God’s morals should be taught in school


To the editor,

Joe Average: Are we headed for world wide anarchy?


Think about the various events and developments in our country in the recent and not so recent past.

Tips to safely viewing the eclipse


To the editor,

Vote for Sally on March 19


To the editor,

Prepare now for March 19 election


To the editor,

Joe Average: All Americans have the right to live as they choose


Throughout history there have been people who didn’t follow society’s “normal” and “accepted” behavior. Throughout history and across cultures, there have been those who, for whatever reason or for no reason just haven’t conformed to accepted behavior. These people include but are not limited to thieves, activists for various causes, protesters, and assorted criminals. Is this just part of human nature? Not everyone following the “normal” behavior?