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Average Joe: Today’s nation is not what our founding fathers envisioned


What a year this has been. Current events have been like no other. The primaries, terror threats, inflation, the border crisis, crime, demonstrations and riots, two wars. Not to mention the division we have seen, in Congress as well virtually everywhere.

Joe Average: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it


Why all the changes we hear about and are experiencing? Our country is great, freedom, liberty and opportunities for all. But there are some people who want to change everything. DEI, the woke movement, how we live, who or what determines what products we buy.

BG community band celebrates 15 years


This Saturday, May 18, the Bowling Green Area Community Bands will be celebrating its 15th anniversary season.

Average Joe: We have the right to protest – peacefully


Where are all those responsible college students? Certainly not on the protest lines.

It is our right to protest


I don’t often agree with “Joe Average,” usually I let his opinions slide. But, he went too far.

Joe Average: Positive and negative attitudes have results


Everyone has good and bad points, strengths and weaknesses. Depending on which one is dominant, makes people either “good” or “bad.” The best of us, the good, there is some bad. And in the worst of us there is some good.

Joe Average: The American system works – if We the People work


We are living in an era of protests, demonstrations and confrontations. These have taken the place of honest, mature adult discussions. In our diverse population, we will not always agree with our “leaders” or even each other. To resolve these differences there needs to be honest, mature adult discussions – conversations. But of late, all we seem to have are protests, demonstrations and/or confrontations. A lot of talk, perhaps yelling and nothing is accomplished, besides hard feelings and anger.