A second Trump term will endanger our democracy

God Bless Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, and those previous Trump White House employees who have been making the public aware that a second Trump term will endanger our democracy.

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), who was vice chair of the bipartisan select Jan. 6 Committee, called recent Trump’s legal moves “a delaying tactic.”

She was quoted as saying that … “It cannot be the case that a president of the United States can attempt to overturn an election and seize power and that our justice system is incapable of holding a trial, of holding him to account, before the next election,” in a speech before a crowd at Iowa’s Drake University.

Former President Trump has successfully subverted the Republican Party to do his will.

Such is his influence that a bipartisan effort to arrive at a consensus on border immigration, a stated goal of almost all Republican members, was thwarted by Trump so he could use the issue to attack President Biden on border policy before the November election. All the while spreading the message of the danger of unchecked out of control immigration at our Southern border. Donald Trump is calling immigrants illegally in the United States “animals” and “not human” in degrading rhetoric he has employed time and again on the campaign trail.

A gifted con man he has created (not giving away) a Trump ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles for $59.99, that includes the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, and even the lyrics to a Lee Greenwood song as he faces mounting legal bills. He will sell you golden sneakers and also sells other Trump-branded footwear, cologne and perfume all to generate revenue for personal use.

When not raising money he deals in “fear” mongering, threatening that if he doesn’t win in November, the “country is going to cease to exist.” He has also insisted, “It could be the last election we ever have. I actually mean that. If we don’t win, I think this could be the last election we ever have.” Find a Republican that will accept losing in November, “if” they feel it was a fair election.

Pay attention to what Trump says since he means to reshape our country in ways that are currently unimaginable.

This upcoming election is a referendum on freedom and democracy. Please go and vote this November as though our Democracy depends on it, because it does.

David J. Neuendorff

Bowling Green