Trump, MAGA Republicans disrespect the rule of law


To the editor,

The events of this last week have prompted me to write this letter to point out the total disrespect for the rule of law from Trump and the MAGA Republicans.

Trump has tried to influence the jury pool by his ranting and raving, earning himself a gag order, which he wrongly refutes as a first amendment violation. (It is against the law to intimidate or otherwise threaten someone—albeit the police often do not enforce this law.)

The gag order is a ruling from the court and has the effect of law. However Trump and his MAGA Republican supporters have worked around the law by having the MAGA Republicans say what Trump wanted to say himself at the court house. This clearly shows that Trump and the MAGA Republicans only respect law and order when law and order suits their purposes.

If Trump and the MAGA Republicans come back into power, you can bet that they will apply this principle to governing this country. Remember that you get the country you vote for in November. Also remember that Trump and the MAGA Republicans are in lock step with the Christian Nationalists and White Nationalists, and both of these groups will control, to a greater or lesser extent, our lives for at least the next four years.

You may not like Joe Biden—and I don’t—but he is a far better alternative than Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and if Trump and the MAGA Republicans take power, it will be too late to change things. And if Trump dies in office, Moscow Mike (Johnson) will be only one step away from the presidency. That should scare you to your core.

W.E.Feeman Jr. MD

Bowling Green

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