Show love for neighbor, wear a mask


To the Editor:
When the lawyer asks Jesus who is my neighbor, Jesus responds with the famous parable of the Good
Samaritan. As he closes the story Jesus asks the lawyer, “Which of these three, do you think, was a
neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” To which the lawyer responds, “The one who
showed him mercy.” Jesus sends the lawyer off by saying, “Go and do likewise.”
In these long days of 2020, this parable is a reminder of the call to go and do likewise. As Jesus
responds to the lawyer’s question about who his neighbor is, we hear Jesus saying that one is a neighbor
when one offers mercy, kindness and compassion to the one who is in need.
For Christians, this is a hallmark of our ministry. As people of faith, we pride ourselves on the works
that we do for the least of these: offering food for those who have little, providing clothing for the
poor, offering a place for the homeless to stay for the night.
With coronavirus, this call to be a good neighbor becomes that much more important. This is the time when
we need to go that extra step. We need to make that one phone call to remind someone that they are
important to us, or ordering out one extra time a week to support local restaurants, or shopping at
local stores.
These acts are for the neighbor we are called to love. They are actions that witness to our love for God
and for each other.
We, the pastors of the Bowling Green Ministerial Association, encourage wearing masks, maintaining social
distance and washing hands to witness to compassion and grace in visible and meaningful ways. In doing
so, we reveal our commitment to the core of Christian faith, that in the sacrifice of Christ there is
hope for the salvation of all.
In the grace and love of Jesus the Christ,
Rev. Andrea Curry, president, BGMA, Trinity United Methodist Church
Rev. Matt Every, vice president, BGMA, First Christian Church
Deacon Phil Avina, St. Aloysius Catholic Church
Bishop Williams Mullins, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Rev. Amy Joy Miller, First United Methodist Church
Alex Wiles, First United Methodist Church
Rev. Helen K. Dukes, United Methodist
Rev. Gary Saunders, retired
Rev. Deborah Conklin, Peace Lutheran Church
Rev. David Montgomery, First Presbyterian Church

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