Organizations: Greenwood Chapter, O.E.S. (07-11-11)


Worthy Patron William Mandlebaum opened the July 5 meeting with the tribute "This Flag,"
written by Mort Walker, creator of several comic strips, including Beetle Bailey.
An offering was collected for the Salvation Army while Worthy Matron Penelope Wymer told of the service
they give to those in need.
The charter was draped in memory of Lowell "Doc" Jones, a 53-year member who died June 24.
Moonlighters Club will meet at 7 p.m. on July 19 at the Moellenberg home.
The annual Masonic Picnic will be held at the Masonic Shelter in Bowling Green City Park on Aug. 28
beginning at 2 p.m. All Masons, Eastern Stars, and their families are welcome.
Mandlebaum highlighted the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, one of many Masonic charities which was
created for the purpose of providing research, surgical treatment, and hospitalization to those who
suffer from disease or injury to the eyes. Since its inception in 1956, this foundation has spent in
excess of $89 million to help those who could not afford eye surgery, benefiting 75,000 people.
Wymer closed the meeting with a tribute to the 4th of July and the memory of those who died for our

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