Organizations: Friendly Town and Country Garden Club (03-30-11)


The Haskins-based club held their March meeting at Bob Evans at Levis Commons in Perrysburg.
The meeting began with discussion about attending upcoming garden club meetings along with filling slots
to work the club’s table at the Wood County Fair in August.
Carole Rives reported that carnations sold at Woodhaven made a small profit for the club and that the
Longaberger basket promotion was still in effect for anyone interested in ordering items, as the club
would benefit from such sales.
Also discussed were upcoming April events, an outing to Home Depot to make a small wooden tree, the
annual outing to Wolf’s to see what’s new for this gardening season, a floral design class being offered
in Swanton in mid-April, and an upcoming District Garden Club meeting early in May.
In attendance were Ruth Ann Beaverson, Emma Dauer, Dorothy Cromley, Cathy Nelson, Darlene Bihn, Danilda
Lee, Rives, Gloria Green, Marilyn Smith, Diane Guthrie and Patsy Vogelsong. Karen Dauer who works with
Vogelsong, was a guest.
A white elephant gift exchange/auction concluded this meeting with Rives serving as auctioneer and Lee
the cashier. Lots of laughter mixed in, netted a little cash for the club.

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