To the Editor: It’s time for change in health care


I have worked in the health care system for almost 10 years. I have seen a health care system that is
negatively affecting the health and well being of my fellow Americans.
First and foremost, what are we going to do about the costs of prescriptions? I have seen the elderly,
who didn’t vote the last time due to being scared of a new system, struggle with the costs of
prescriptions they desperately need. But it doesn’t affect just the elderly, it affects all of us. Thank
goodness for the stores that are running the $5 and $10 programs. That’s a start! But remember, those
medications that are offered make our physicians choose an older medication that may not be as effective
as a newer one for the person looking to save money. Why do drug companies offer $25-$100 in rebates?
Why not take that money and lower the costs of the medicines for everyone?
What about us working people that live from one paycheck to another? That can make the difference whether
a person chooses health care coverage or not? With the new laws in Ohio regarding Child Support, if one
parent is offered health care, and it is not 33% of their pay, they have to cover the children! 33% of
their pay?! That is a lot when you are trying to support a family today. I know, I am one of the many
that are affected by this.
It amazes me that we have spent a lot of money on the war in Iraq among others, but we don’t take care of
our own Americans? Families go without just to live in the rising costs of gas, food, shelter. We should
worry about our own country and the people that live here. We need reform. Yes, this reform may seem new
and scary for people that are not open to change, but that is what we need. Let’s start by opening our
arms to this reform and let Americans have medical coverage so the can live happy and healthy lives. We
need this. It is just one change in the rebuilding of our country!
I campaigned and voted for a president that promised change. I have faith in him and stand behind
President Obama 100%. It’s time for a change not just for me or my family and friends but for you also!

Sara Gilmore

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