ROSSFORD — Rossford residents and visitors who enjoy Stroll the Street every Tuesday, 4:30-7:30 from May 21-Aug. 13 in downtown Rossford.
Visitors will have the opportunity to try a simple healthy recipe each week prepared by The Traveling Chef with produce from Turk Farms. The Eat Fresh! program is sponsored by Meijer and will provide not only a fresh bite, but a card with the recipe to take home each week. The first 300 visitors will receive an Eat Fresh! recipe holder. Families and seniors are encouraged may qualify for fresh produce at a free or reduced price. Get the details on WIC, (a special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children), or the senior farmers market nutrition program. Information on registration will be available.
Edward Ford Memorial Park will host live musical entertainment sponsored by Hollywood Casino-Toledo, craft vendors, and games for children. Ten food trucks will line the street each week and fresh produce is available as well as honey, homemade candy and more from other vendors.
Business and non-profit groups will be available with community information. Enjoy the DORA (Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area) while you Stroll the Street. Purchase your liquid refreshment from a local watering holes including Moe’s Place, Danny’s Café, and Red’s Irish Goodbye.
Classic car owners cruise over to Stroll the Street in Rossford on the third Tuesdays of the month for a Super Cruise. Crusin’ Zeake, will provide music at the Rossford United Methodist Church, 270 Dixie Highway. The event will run from 4-7 p.m. Every registered driver will receive a $5 food coupon good at any of the 10 food trucks at the event. Eight $25 gas cards will also be given away in a random drawing of registered car owners. The Super Cruise is sponsored by NSG/Pilkington.
Parking is available in portions of the Rossford United Methodist Church parking lot as well as the IPS Headquarters parking lot on the other side of Edward Ford Memorial Park at 146 Dixie Highway.
For weekly schedule and vendor registration visit the webpage or contact Beth Genson at [email protected].
This event is provided by the Rossford Convention & Visitors Bureau with additional sponsors including IPS, Genoa Bank, and the law firm of Heban, Murphree, Lewandowsk.