GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green – Group News


GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green met Oct. 4th at First Christian Church at the corner of Poe and Haskins at 7 p.m. in friendship and service to our community. Program for the evening wias State School Funding presented by Dr. Dawn Shinew of the League of Women Voters. Music Chair, Dottie Linn, introduced entertainment for the evening presented by members of the BGSU School of Music.

A brief business meeting was held to update and plan ongoing club projects including the upcoming Holiday Art and Craft Show. Candace Gillen shared Literature Group projects and Carol Mowen shared activities of Garden Group. Hostesses for the evening were Pat Limes, Mary Mackzum and Kathy Schultz. Designated charity for the evening was The Cocoon; the club made a donation of $150 to the project on behalf of members.

Anyone interested in learning about the opportunities for service provided by GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green to our community and beyond, or who would like to attend a meeting, can consult the Women’s Club website at or any club member.

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