Protesters want to put stop to roundabout


PERRYSBURG — A 30-minute protest was held last week at West Front and West Boundary streets, where the city has proposed the construction of a roundabout.

On Thursday from 5:30-6 p.m., protesters stood at the corner with signs asking why and stating the cost is too high.

After months of dialogue with the mayor, city council and city administrators, council is still pursuing funding for a roundabout that will negatively impact Perrysburg residents and neighborhoods, according to Jacqueline Barchick, who provided the following information.

Six reasons a roundabout is a bad solution:

● Pedestrian and cyclist safety: A multi-lane roundabout will not be safe to cross for people on foot, on bikes, in strollers, in wheelchairs, etc.

● Loss of parkland: The proposed roundabout would be built on fill within Orleans Park and it would permanently destroy the existing green entry corridor into Perrysburg and the habitats within the park.

● Impacts residential neighborhoods: Increased traffic, increased lighting and blocked driveways.

● Cost: A roundabout is the most expensive solution identified in the traffic study. Other less expensive, simple and safe solutions have been identified.

● Ineffective: A roundabout will only shift the existing traffic further into the city and into residential neighborhoods.

● Historical: A roundabout is not in keeping with Perrysburg’s federally-recognized historic neighborhoods or it’s unique historical layout.

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