Opportunity for a new high school only happens once in a lifetime


To the editor,

Some are asking why a request to build a new high school should merit our support. Common feedback cite that it is too expensive; the design is not their favorite; or it just isn’t the right plan. Certainly, all of these concerns have a degree of merit. Please consider:

While we wait for that right expense, the right design, or the right plan; consider that expenses will continue to escalate due to inflation, contract increases, and overall material price increases. Can we-our students, our community, our future-really afford to wait yet again to bring our high school up to the standards so many of our neighboring communities presently have? Look at the very informative video documentary that Jerry Anderson did recently detailing the deterioration of our high school.

The OPPORTUNITY to give our student-body a new high school, affording the best tools to have a meaningful and fulfilling education ONLY HAPPENS ONCE IN OUR LIFETIME. It is such a privilege to be presented with this chance to be a part of this undertaking!

As a candidate for the school board I would much rather forfeit my chance if it would mean your vote for our high school levy. It is so critical for our students, our community, and our own future. Please consider voting “YES”.

Life is a mirror of king and slave

‘Tis just what you are and do,

So give to the world the best you have

And the best will come back to you!

Steven C. Goyer

Bowling Green

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