Crickets on cricket frogs status in Orleans Park


To the Editor:

I’m a PhD candidate at Bowling Green State University in biological sciences that studies amphibians in the Northwest Ohio area.

I saw Roger LaPointe’s article about the proposed plan for Orleans Park in Perrysburg (Dreams for Orleans: $14.5 million first phase planned for Perrysburg park, see today’s page 1) and wanted to express my concern that there is nothing from the Perrysburg Council president on the need for an environmental impacts study.

In my own research studies that have been conducted in part at Orleans park, Orleans is home to a population of Blanchard’s cricket frogs, a Special Concern species in Ohio that is also listed as Threatened in nearby Michigan.

Just from the article and illustration, it appears the proposed changes would be significant and could result in the loss of the population of this unique and declining species.

Brian Kron

Bowling Green

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