Trains, cookies and shopping: Weston church bazaar is Sunday


WESTON — The United Methodist Women of Weston United Methodist church invite cookie lovers and holiday bazaar lovers to their 5th annual Cookie Sale and Bazaar on Sunday.

There will be many varieties of cookies available, and several vendors offering crafts and gift items. This annual event helps the United Methodist Women group to support many missions in our local area. The bazaar is open from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

While at the bazaar, visitors can enjoy an operating model train layout, assembled by Pastor Charles Case.

The layout is an American Flyer S gauge layout featuring 1940s and 1950s Gilbert American Flyer trains. Kids will get the chance to blow the whistle as the train speeds past.

The layout will be available to see by appointment during the holiday season. Call Weston United Methodist Church at 419-669-4309 to set up a time.

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