Support our veterans through Poppy Days


To The Editor:

Troy Webster American Legion Auxiliary Unit 240 will be offering veteran-made red crepe paper poppies at Walmart in Perrysburg on Saturday from 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Troy-Webster will again offer the Poppies in Perrysburg on May 21 at Walt Churchill’s Market from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. We will be at Pee Wee’s Dari Snack in Stony Ridge on May 21 and 22 from 5-8 p.m.

There will be other auxiliary units in the county offering poppies on different days in different locations as well. National Poppy Day for the American Legion Auxiliary is May 27.

These red crepe paper poppies are made by veterans at the Ohio Veterans Home in Sandusky. Rudy, one of the veterans, makes over 1,000 poppies a week and has been doing this for many years.

The proceeds from the poppy donations on Poppy Days are used solely to support veterans. No donation is too small. Please “wear a poppy” and support veterans and their families when you see American Legion Family members out and about during the month of May.

Thank you for your support,

Becky Dippman, president

Troy-Webster Unit 240

American Legion Auxiliary


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