Joe Average misses the mark


To the Editor:

Dear Joe, I’ve read your column for years and cannot resist responding. I believe you are motivated to strike out based on sheer emotion and anger. You don’t bother to learn about the subjects you write about. The result is that you make absurd misstatements and stir up anger.

Teachers don’t hide their teaching from the public. Taxpayers do know where their dollars go if they bother to look. The 2020 election was not rigged. You call your enemy Big Brother. That’s wrong. The real BBs are Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump. They too hold forth based on bias and emotion without adequate education. The result is an attack on our democracy.

We do have many freedoms. One is to spread lies and misinformation. The other is to study and do research before we flood our press with falsehoods. The best suggestion I can make is to go back to school. Bowling Green State University offers community education, a wide variety of non-credit programs and lifelong learning.

Thomas Klein

Bowling Green

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