A call for unity in our community

To the Editor:
On Thursday, May 2nd, 2019 the annual National Day of Prayer observance will be held at the Wood County
Courthouse in Bowling Green from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend regardless of what
religion you practice or not. Unity is the key to living peacefully. During World War II Americans were
patriotic and willing to sacrifice for their country. Sadly, not so much today. Today few are willing to
“agree to disagree”, “live and let live”, and respect one another’s beliefs and opinions. We are in
great need of unity, acceptance and patriotism like never before. This type of gathering can meet that
need. Let’s put aside any religious, political or other differences, and join as one community to pray
for our country and our neighbors!
Not all communities host this event. Wood County is very blessed to have Kristal Asmus (for 26 years now)
organize and lead it. My husband and I have been attending this since we moved to Bowling Green in 2011,
and I can attest that it is well worth your time. Any opportunity to join together in unity with other
Americans to pray for this great nation is especially needed today, considering the current turmoil and
hatred displayed in our country, and sadly even here in Bowling Green. Now more than ever we need God’s
peace and blessing on America.
Speakers will pray for different segments of our society from our President and government, Military,
State and local government, Law enforcement, Economy and Education to Churches and Families, asking
God’s blessing and protection on all.
We still enjoy religious freedoms that we cannot take for granted. Believers in other countries might
lose their lives to attend something like this. I hope all the pastors in Wood County will encourage
their congregations to come and join in, especially those who have never done so before. It is time for
the Church to come together to support our fellow brothers and sisters.
So come and be blessed! I hope this observance will be overflowing with people who love God and His Word,
and love America and this community. See you at the Courthouse at noon on May 2nd. In case of rain, the
event will move to the Village View Church of Christ on W. Poe Road near the fairgrounds.
Barbara Brunner
Bowling Green