Parlez-vous français? Get some lessons with Perrysburg club


PERRYSBURG — A Free French Language Kids’ Clinic will be held Saturday in the Perrysburg High School
Commons from 10-11:30 a.m. (check in at 9:45).
Perrysburg High School’s French Club is once again hosting the clinic for children ages 6-11.
Under the supervision of French Club advisers Madame Gerber and Monsieur Furrie, students currently
studying French at Perrysburg High School will teach lessons on basic French phrases. Students will
learn greetings, animals, weather and colors. There will be pictures, games and interactive activities
to keep children interested.
Email [email protected] with the name and age of child, guardian contact name and number and
any special information (e.g. allergies) by Friday to sign up.

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