Pipeline opposition valid


To the Editor:
The Tar Sands pipeline won’t happen soon now that Nebraska farmers have refiled their lawsuit after their
Supreme Court dismissed their first one on a technicality. Regardless of what Speaker Boehner and his
minions say about the issue to embarrass President Obama, the farmers of Nebraska will have their day in
court. When it comes to farm land, party politics has no influence, even in Ohio. The proposed pipeline
in northern Wood County is another example where local farmers and local government oppose a pipeline
for a multitude of reasons. Washington preaches smaller government, however that does not necessarily
mean local control. When large corporations want or need support from D.C. to overcome local residents
objections they usually get it. Consequently when congressional or legislative members don’t speak up to
resolve the issue we have a problem. Oil from Canada is still going to be pumped on other pipeline
systems only at 33% of the proposed volume.
In Kansas, Conservatives have proposed only 7 school districts for the entire state. That my friends is
the smaller government proposed to cut expenses, to balance their budget after Governor Brownback said
they should cut taxes. The debt is now so great experts say Kansas could eliminate state government for
a year and never pay off its debt at its current tax rate.
John Turkal
Bowling Green

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