Pipeline firms deceptive


To the Editor:
Nexus recently prefiled with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Landowners increasingly feel
powerless and deceived as the  process moves forward. Locally Nexus representatives have requested
private meetings with local government officials bringing into question our sunshine laws. Nexus public
meetings were long in coming and short on facts resulting in a well polished rhetorical township
presentation including long winded pro industry union officials working against landowners who
themselves are union members. A local Toledo AM radio morning talk show host refused to take callers who
had questions for Nexus spokesman Arthur Diestel’s seemingly well rehearsed  interview. Nexus legal
counsel refused to answer Swan Creek Trustee’s questions for over a month until residents rebelled with
a threat of the eventual resolution against the Nexus Pipeline. Over eight townships have passed
resolutions against the Nexus pipeline. The industry appears to be fully in control of a regulatory
captured process. Nexus/Spectra privatizes the profits and socializes the unacceptable risk to
communities and landowners. Responsible pipeline setback regulations are nowhere to be found. Greg Ebel,
president and chief executive officer of Spectra Energy said last year, "We believe providing for
multiple pipelines in a single corridor is a smart, thoughtful way to plan for the sustainable growth of
a new LNG industry in British Columbia." International pipeline corridors are promoted in Canada
but here in the good ole U.S.A. money talks and you know the rest.
Paul Wohlfarth
Ottawa Lake, Michigan

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