Increase in farm taxes creates windfall for schools


To the Editor:
Across Wood County last week many farmers and land owners went to their mail boxes to find their bills
for their 2014 Wood County real estate taxes awaiting them. Due to the re-evaluation of CAUV values on
farmland, these land taxes essentially doubled from the previous year with this new tax structure
staying in affect for the next three years.
According to the Wood County Auditor’s Office, one of the major recipients of these additional tax
dollars will be our local school districts from across Wood County. Take for instance the following
three school districts:
Eastwood Schools will receive an additional $801,000 per year from property taxes, going from $4.7
million to $5.5 million a year, totaling $2.4 million in additional money coming into the Eastwood
district over the next three years.
Otsego Schools will receive an additional $600,000 per year, going from $3.9 million to $4.5 million a
year, totaling an additional $1.8 million in additional tax revenue over the next three years.
Elmwood schools will receive an additional $805,000 per year, taking them from $2.5 million to $3.3
million a year in tax revenue, totaling $2.41 million over the next three years.
We hope that the local school boards, faculty and administrators realize that these windfalls are in
large part being paid for by Wood County’s number one industry, production agriculture. In a time where
northwestern Ohio farmers are getting beat up on in the news, we hope this sheds a bit of light on
agriculture and how we are doing more than our fair share, when it comes to supporting our schools,
through taxes!   
Andy & Stephanie Lang
Family farmers

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