CDC: 24 E. coli illnesses linked to frozen foods


NEW YORK (AP) — Health officials say at least 24 peoplehave become sick from an outbreak of E.
coli infections linked to frozensnack foods marketed to children.No one has died, but eight people,
mostly kids or teens, were hospitalized.An investigation detected E. coli in an open package of Farm
Rich brand frozen chicken quesadillas at an ill person’s home.OnFriday, the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention reportedillnesses in Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,Mississippi, New
York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah,Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.The Buffalo,
N.Y.-based RichProducts Corp. has recalled quesadillas, mozzarella bites and otherfrozen products made
in November.___Online:CDC report: 2013 The
Associated Press.NEW YORK (AP) — Health officials say at least 24 peoplehave become sick from an
outbreak of E. coli infections linked to frozensnack foods marketed to children.No one has died, but
eight people, mostly kids or teens, were hospitalized.An investigation detected E. coli in an open
package of Farm Rich brand frozen chicken quesadillas at an ill person’s home.OnFriday, the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention reportedillnesses in Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana,
Michigan,Mississippi, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah,Virginia, Washington and
Wisconsin.The Buffalo, N.Y.-based RichProducts Corp. has recalled quesadillas, mozzarella bites and
otherfrozen products made in November.___Online:CDC report: 2013 The
Associated Press.

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