Garden Clubs: 06-23-11


Haskins Friendly Town and Country
The June meeting of the Haskins Friendly Town and Country Garden Club took place June 9 at the home of
Gloria Green.
Discussion began with tending to the Haskins outdoor pots and the need for some of them to be replanted
because of excessive rain they in May. Carole Rives will handle the re-plant and local businesses will
watch over each individual planter. Club members are investigating purchasing bigger, more permanent
planters for the village. Mayor Colby Carroll of Haskins sent a letter of appreciation to the garden
club for their efforts on the planters.
Danilda Lee gave a treasurer’s report and discussion began on a small dues/membership charge increase to
cover upcoming expenses. More discussion was dedicated to upcoming events. In general, money-making
ideas were the main topic of this month’s meeting.
Rives and Green spoke about bird house gourds; growing them, cleaning and painting them and their
maintenance. Green suggested Friends of Wood County Parks was a great organization.
Other members in attendance were Dorothy Cromley, Matilda Shonk and Patsy Vogelsong.
The July meeting will be a picnic at Lee’s home in Bowling Green.

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