Cemetery’s ‘stations’ to be blessed May 30

The new Stations of the
Cross (above) at St. Rose Cemetery, Perrysburg. A close view (below) of one. (Photos: Andrew

PERRYSBURG – The public is invited to a Memorial Day Mass and blessing of the new stations of the cross
at St. Rose Cemetery on May 30 at 9 a.m.
The cemetery is located at 11442 Avenue Road.
The 14 granite Stations of the Cross" depict images of the passion of Christ. Observing or praying
the stations of the cross is a Catholic tradition where the faithful follow the last hours of Jesus’
Each station was donated by members of St. Rose Parish.
Deacon Larry Tiefenbach, director of the cemetery, said the final 15th station of the Resurrection of
Christ is on order and will be installed this fall.
It consists of an 11-foot tall statue which will be placed behind the altar in the cemetery.
In case of inclement weather, the Mass will be held in the church instead of at the cemetery.

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