Bethlehem’s 150th: ‘Pray it Forward’


PEMBERVILLE – The congregation of Bethlehem Lutheran Church is celebrating 150 years of ministry in
As part of the year-long celebration, one feature which was recently introduced involves giving thanks
for God’s abundant blessings on the congregation for the past 150 years. Called "Pray It
Forward," members were challenged at worship May 1, to pray about what they could do to have a
positive impact in the community and surrounding area. Each family was given $50 as seed money and asked
to "Pray It Forward."
The simple rules given were:
1. Pray
2. Don’t spend the money on yourself.
3. Do something good for someone.
Members have been working on projects and sharing stories about their experiences, some which have turned
into excellent adventures. One family looked around and decided they were so blessed they couldn’t think
of anything to do so they got on Facebook and asked their friends. Those friends pointed them to a
family with a disabled family member and limited income who really appreciated the help.
Another family turned their $50 into more than $1,900 by challenging those around them to "Pray It
Forward" with them. The money was given to a family with an ill child who dreams of swimming with
dolphins. Still another family bought yarn with their money and is crafting items to sell at bazaars to
increase their giving potential.
So many of the congregation has become involved and encouraged, they are challenging everyone who is able
to "Pray It Forward" with them.
All anyone needs to do is to look around and lend a hand to a neighbor in need.
Suggestions can be as simple as mowing the lawn for your neighbor, buying a pack of diapers for a young
mother, giving a gas card to a college student, donating to a family in need, or create a plan for your
After completing one act, you can share your story with the congregation at
[email protected].
The congregation would love to hear about how you "Pray it Forward."

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