Organizations: Wood County Le Petit Salon 741 (04-08-11)


Salon 741, 8 et 40 met March 10 at the Pemberville American Legion Hall, with 12 partners present. Le
Petit Chapeau Tammy Firsdon opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and a potluck supper was shared.
Le Caissiere Kathy Oldham reported the salon still needs four partners to pay dues to be goal.
The final draft of the constitution and by-laws was read, and accepted.
A letter was received from Owen’s family reporting how they are doing. His birthday is April 21.
Gloria Verbeke has ordered the nurses scholarship brochures and will mail them out as soon as they
The salon will be selling cookie dough again during the month of April.
The Nurses Scholarship Raffle was held and the winners are: First – Mary Lou Lehnert, second – Alice
Pettijohn, and third – Becky Dippman.
The next meeting will held April 14 at the home of Rita Euler, when members will fill out end-of-year
reports and awards.

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