Organizations: Alpha Delta Master (03-18-11)


The February meeting of the Alpha Delta Master chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was held at Stadium View with 10
members present.
President Sonja Hammer reported receiving the official invitation to the 2011 Beta Sigma Phi State
Convention to be held in Toledo on May 20-22.
Joan Crusa reported that City Council donated $100 to the Bowling Green Food Pantry. Jean Lanning
reported that the service committee will give theater tickets to the chapter’s special family for
Valentine and Easter.
The social committee is planning an evening at Woodhaven with longtime member Maxine Myers, and
considering a trip to Packer Creek Pottery in Genoa.
Harriet Rosebrock presented a program about her 1996 two-week week trip to Alaska with a group from a
retired teachers association. They went from Bowling Green to Seattle and on to Anchorage. They then
took the McKinley Explorer train to Denali, where they stayed in a cabin in the mountains. They saw
caribou, black bear, and ptarmigan. They traveled to Fairbanks and then to the Yukon area in Canada.
Particularly interesting sites were Whitehorse, Skagway (a gold rush town), and Juneau. From Juneau,
they enjoyed a river cruise to Sitka and on to Vancouver. A highlight of the trip was a lecture by Susan
Butcher, who had won the Iditarod Dog Sled Race four times.

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