Organizations: Alpha Delta Master (01-05-11)


The Dec. 9 meeting was held in Juniper Hall at Stadium View with 11 members present. In lieu of a formal
program, members answered roll call with stories about their favorite or most memorable Christmases.
President Sonja Hammer reported that the current issue of the "Torch" is online. Dolores Black
reminded members to bring bleach for the Wood County Humane Society to the February meeting. Jean
Lanning read a thank you note from the chapter’s special family, and Harriet Rosebrock reported having
received a card from last year’s family.
Elaine Spence announced that the holiday lunch would be Dec. 16 at Cosmo’s. Hammer distributed
information on the state Beta Sigma Phi convention to be held in Toledo on May 20-22, 2011. Bowling
Green chapters are responsible for the closing ritual.
The Jan. 13 meeting, hosted by Doris Harris and Dolores Black, will be held at Stadium View. Those
wishing to bring lunch will meet at 11:30 a.m. Hammer will present a program titled "Traveling with
Five Kids."

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