Organizations: 11-09


Haskins Friendly Town & Country Garden Club
The club met Oct. 8 at the home of Gloria Green in Perrysburg.
Member answered roll call with a bird call sound. Cathleen Nelson was celebrating an October birthday.
Alice Lomis read a devotion from "Quiet Moments."
Carole Rives reported there are six new members: Darlene Bihn, Brie Carpenter and Mareo Decker, all of
Bowling Green; Carroll McCune and Nancy Perry, both of Haskins; and Alice Loomis, Weston.
President Danilda Lee gave the program on spring flower bulbs. Dorothy Cromley brought fresh cut flowers
from her gardens and demonstrated what to do and not to do, to display fresh flowers for judging
competition at the Wood County Fair Flower Show.
Hostess Gloria Green served a green apple crisp dessert with ice cream.
The next meeting will be Nov. 12 at Penta, where the group will be served an 11:30 a.m. lunch prepared by
the school’s culinary class. After lunch they will tour the Penta floral shop.

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