To the Editor: Perrysburg resident counters veterinarian’s claims


I don’t know where to start to address the wealth of misinformation in the recent letter from a
veterinarian in support of Issue 2.
Contrary to Dr. Kieffer’s outrageous claims, the Humane Society of the United States does not spend their
time and resources on trying to eliminate livestock farming. They also are NOT trying to make sure none
of us ever gets to eat meat or eggs again. These kinds of untrue scare tactics have no place in a
serious discussion of this issue.
Issue 2 is opposed not only by the HSUS, but also the Ohio Farmers Union, The League of Women Voters, and
the Center for Food Safety, among many others. Does Dr. Kieffer want us to believe that all these groups
want us to become vegetarians? Perhaps there are other reasons to oppose this issue.
Passage of Issue 2 would allow big agribusiness to regulate themselves. This "board" will be
stacked with people who are engaged in factory farming, or people who have a financial incentive to
promote it. There will be no meaningful input from anyone outside the industry. This is simply bad
public policy.
Finally, he claims that the Humane Society of the United States is not a humane society at all, which is
ridiculous. The HSUS was the first animal organization on the scene during Hurricane Katrina. They
rescued hundreds of family pets, and yes, farm animals. They housed and fed these animals for weeks,
while trying to reunite them with their owners. The HSUS is not directly affiliated with any local
shelters, but does assist them with education, training, and grant money. This "Washington
based" group has regional offices all over the U.S., including one in Bowling Green up until a few
years ago.
I grew up on a farm ("family" not "factory" – I’m sure most people know the
difference). My eating habits are not vegan or even vegetarian, but I intend to vote no on Issue 2.
Betty Weilant
P.S. There was one thing that Dr. Kieffer said that did make sense. That was to support your local humane
society or animal shelter. On this I can wholeheartedly agree.

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