Potluck opens 90th year for BG Woman’s Club

Members are encouraged to bring a guest, and a dish to share, to the first Woman’s Club meeting of the
year on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
The September service project is donations for The Cocoon Shelter and Michelle Clossick, executive
director of the Bowling Green area shelter, will speak briefly about their work.
The program for the evening will also include music coordinated by Donna Schmidt.
The club meets at the clubhouse on the corner of Prospect and Court Streets. Community members interested
in club membership should contact Sharon Franklin at (419) 457-0370.Members are encouraged to bring a
guest, and a dish to share, to the first Woman’s Club meeting of the year on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
The September service project is donations for The Cocoon Shelter and Michelle Clossick, executive
director of the Bowling Green area shelter, will speak briefly about their work.
The program for the evening will also include music coordinated by Donna Schmidt.
The club meets at the clubhouse on the corner of Prospect and Court Streets. Community members interested
in club membership should contact Sharon Franklin at (419) 457-0370.