To the Editor: Central campus would serve all children equally


Some years ago, as acting commissioner of a baseball tournament in Tontogany, I experienced something
rather ordinary which is relevant to the current Otsego central campus – town school debate.
I got to sit on the platform directly behind home plate. It provided me with an exceptional view of the
game and especially the strike zone. As I watched the game, parents and coaches from both teams began
‘chirping’ at the umpire on almost every pitch. Those of us on the platform thought that the umpire
couldn’t win. I thought out loud how these parents couldn’t see one particular play at home plate
clearly. A friend stated, "Lori, they see the call with their hearts, not their heads." Very
There are two morals to this tale. First, perspective means everything. You need to see clearly without
obstruction. With this in mind, many have made accusations against Otsego’s Board of Education members.
They were elected by the Otsego community to provide the best possible education for our children. They
have the advantage of an excellent perspective.
Secondly, it is time to look at this issue with our heads. Let’s take advantage of the monies available
and build a central campus that serves all of Otsego’s children equally. Now let us open our hearts to
embrace the united Otsego.
Lori Rea, Tontogany

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