Organizations: 6-12


Timeless Treasures
BRADNER – The club held their June meeting at the Bradner American Legion Hall, a change of plans from
the park due to cool weather.
In attendance were 18 members along with guests Bob and Carl Schroeder. Milford Smith led the pledge to
the flag and Betty Lombard gave the table blessing prior to the picnic-style meal.
During the business meeting "Happy Birthday" was sung to Judy Schroeder and Mary Stahl.
Pat Allen was recognized for planning and preparing the meals, as well as the decorations, since the
organization of the club in 2004. She asked to be relieved of those duties.
Following the meeting Fordyce Lentz led the group in a Dr. Phil Personality Quiz. Next, members played
Left, Right and Center, with Bernadine Smith the winner.
The next meeting will be a picnic meal on July 2 at the Bradner Park. All area seniors are welcome.

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