Perrysburg holds public workshop for Active Transportation Plan


PERRYSBURG — The City of Perrysburg will be hosting its second public workshop to gather input on the Active Transportation Plan. The plan is being developed to address the needs of people walking, biking and rolling in the city.

The workshop will be held on June 5 from 5-7 p.m. at the Schaller Memorial Building, 130 W. Indiana Ave.

The first public workshop was held on March 20 to give residents and visitors the opportunity to review the existing conditions analysis, provide input on active transportation priorities, and identify key destinations, barriers, and gaps for walking, biking, and rolling in the city.

Those who attend the second workshop will be able to see and give their input on the proposed active transportation networks and proposed sidewalk improvements based on data gathered at the first workshop. They can also give their recommendations about the types of crossing enhancements they’d like to see.

A steering committee made up of city employees, citizens, and community stakeholders is working with Tool Design Group on developing the plan. The planning effort started in October 2023 and is expected to be completed at the end of July 2024. The development of the plan is being paid for by ODOT. Once completed, it will allow the city to apply for grants such as Safe Routes to School funding to implement some of the safety measures identified in the plan.

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