Carry The Load honors fallen heroes


The public walked with Carry The Load’s National Relay through Bowling Green last week to honor and remember the nation’s fallen military and first responders.

Carry The Load is a non-profit that provides active ways to connect Americans to the sacrifices of military personnel, veterans, responders, and their families. The organization kicked off its Memorial May campaign on April 29. Walkers were in Wood County on May 13.

“We are giving people a voice to come out and speak, walk, and work through their trauma,” said Morgan Cooper, Carry The Load team member. “We give them an outlet to speak or walk through their feelings, so it’s a little bit easier for them.

“I come out here because a lot of my family were in the Marines. I’m trying to be a microphone to the people who don’t want to talk about it,” he said.

Since 2011, Carry The Load’s mission to restore the true meaning of Memorial Day has grown into a nationwide movement – with five routes covering 20,000 miles across 48 states to honor and remember those who have laid down their lives for freedom.

The relay will end in Dallas, Texas, on Memorial Day weekend.

“Carry The Load’s mission is to bring back the true meaning of Memorial Day. It’s not just about barbeques. People died for our freedom, and we got to remember them.” Cooper said.

“Without them, we wouldn’t be able to have a lot of things that we have in this country. Them being with us is the best thing we can have,” he said.

Since 2011, Carry The Load has raised more than $42 million, with a remarkable 93% of donations going toward its programs.

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