Save of Neighborhoods Group seeks volunteers


Bowling Green Save Our Neighborhoods Group (BG SONG) is again recruiting volunteers for a Rock the Block event scheduled to take place on May 4. A rain date is set for May 11.

Volunteers who aren’t available on either of those dates may sign up to help at their convenience during the week of April 28.

Rock The Block is a neighborhood clean up project with a goal of helping homeowners spruce up their homes using volunteers and donated materials. The work involves a variety of tasks, from trimming shrubs and raking leaves, washing windows and siding, painting doors and window trim and planting shade trees and native perennial plants. Volunteers sign up to help with the tasks that match their skills and interests.

Those interested in volunteering may sign up at and may contact [email protected] or BG SONG President Rose Drain at 419-450-2233 with questions.

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