Gaza is getting what it asked for


To the editor:

Recently, Toledo Blade columnist S. Amjad Hussain had an extremely biased opinion about the Israeli/Hamas war in the Gaza strip portraying the struggle as Israeli Prime Minister Natanyalhu’s attempt to expel all Palestinians from the territory. At the very minimum, Mr. Hussain should have stated that the Palestinian’s plight is because of the Hamas terrorist activity—the same Hamas voted into Gaza power by the Palestinian people themselves! Seemingly, the folks in Gaza are getting what they asked for.

I would suggest Mr. Hussain set aside his Koran for a moment and read the Bible where the book of Genesis clearly states that God gave the land that Israel currently occupies to the Jews, forever (see Genesis 17:8), and that Abraham’s son Ishmael via Hagar will be a “wildman…and will raise his fist against everyone, and everyone will be against him…” Genesis 16:12 NLT

Yes, God also blessed Ishmael and will “…multiply his descendants.” Genesis 18:20 These descendants are the Muslims of this day and age who have been seeking to destroy the Jews since Ishmael’s day—now some 4000 years later! I’ve got news for Mr. Hussain: It ain’t going to happen! God said it and I believe it!

Larry Garzony

Bowling Green

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