County agencies get grants to help reduce violence against women


The Office of Criminal Justice Services has announced nearly $4 million in federal grants to reduce violence against women in Ohio.

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) grants assist local governments and non-profit community-based organizations in administering justice for and strengthening services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Two Wood County agencies have received funding.

The Wood County Sheriff’s Office has received $55,211,15 to combat domestic violence.

The Cocoon has received $37,208.12 to strengthen advocacy, accessibility and outreach.

In total, OCJS awarded 135 grants to 97 local agencies in 45 counties.

VAWA funds also enhance the capacity of local communities to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to combat violent crimes against women and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women.

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