Bateson is an advocate for BGCS children and the community


To the editor,

Some of you may be aware that I ran for a school board seat a few years ago. I decided to run because I wanted to make a difference in our school system. I had started a grass roots effort campaign called BG VOICE (Bowling Green Voters for In-Person Education), to help get our children back into the schools once we could safely do so during the Covid pandemic. We had experienced what isolation through the pandemic was doing to the mental health of our children and wanted our BG schools to allow our children back into the classroom. I decided to run for the school board because if I was going to speak on the problems with BGCS, then I needed to try and be part of the solution.

The reason I am writing this letter is because I know of another candidate for the BGCS school board who is running because they want to be a part of the solution and betterment of our district. His name is Steve Bateson.

One of the major leaders I relied upon, throughout BG Voice and my school board campaign, was Steve Bateson. Steve always had a finger on the pulse of our school system since I have known him. Any questions I have about BGCS history or financials of our schools; he is the go-to.

He is a graduate of BGCS and has children in the district. He knows both the rural and city communities. You can usually find Steve on the sidelines of your kids or grandkids sporting events cheering them on. He is an advocate for our children and community. Steve wants the best for all of us in this district, especially our kids. As an advocate, Steve understands how important it is to protect our children. Steve’s strong advocacy for our students led to third party hiring practices to be changed by BGCS to address a recent issue going on in our district.

Our kids and community deserve solutions, and what I have already seen from our new superintendent I believe that BGCS can be great again with the right board leadership.

Steve Bateson will have my vote for a BGCS Board seat. I proudly stand behind him and I would encourage anyone else to do the same. The children in this community deserve solutions.

Jessica Swaisgood

Bowling Green

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