Issue I ensures the right of every woman to control her own reproductive status


To the editor,

Several things. Please vote “yes” on Issue I to insure the right of every woman to control her own reproductive status, rather than let some right-wing Christian Nationalist tell you what you can or can not do with your own body. You will note that countries that are ruled by someone’s interpretation of religion are not good places in which to live—just look at Afghanistan or Iran. Or delve back in time to the catholic church and the Spanish Inquisition. One is free to believe whatever he/she wishes, but that person is not free to impose his/her will on others—at least not in America, at least not yet. MAGA Republicans are using scare tactics to obscure this basic American right. No one does late term abortions, except to save the life of the mother (or some other severe medical condition?).

The massacre and mutilation of Israeli citizens over the week end of 14 October is unforgivable. Soldiers killing other soldiers is one thing, but killing and decapitating babies is way beyond the pale. Whatever justification Hamas claims is immaterial in light of what they have done. However, once the blood letting is done, there can not be a return to business as usual. Israel must grant the Palestinians a home land, and the West Bank is the likely spot. There can be no peace in the Middle East until this is done. And why are we surprised at the inhumanity of man to man? A quick trip through the historical record reveals that such terrible things are not rare—even in the USA. Think of the Deerfield massacre in Massachusetts, or Custer’s massacre of the Indians in Kansas, prior to his being massacred at the Little Big Horn. Think of the Salem witch trials or the Spanish Inquisition or the Muslim take over of Constantinople or the Crusaders’ capture of Jerusalem.

Finally, the matter of Jim Jordan’s alleged cover up of the sexual abuse of athletes at Ohio State some 20-25 years ago must be investigated. Governor Mike De Wine has chosen not to do so, though he has had multiple chances both as Ohio attorney general and as Ohio governor. Jordan is presumed innocent till proven guilty, but the matter must be investigated by an independent agent. If DeWine fails to take action, then he should be considered part of the cover up.

W.E. Feeman Jr. MD

Bowling Green

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