BG needs a different plan for school facilities


To the editor,

While voting “yes” for a $73M BGHS may seem supportive, voters should know the actual price and bids for the project. None of this has happened. Not only would property tax increase, but so would rent and every other bill we encounter. The estimate for the HS is $63M, so why not vote on that? The remainder comes from items like an atrium, social areas, and a $5M community area. Such aspects are unnecessary considering that Bowling Green already operates a community center. Furthermore, some of these areas would end up being used by only a select group of people (akin to the $1M fake grass project). See the pattern yet?

BGCS falsely touts the auditor estimator as fact. The auditor disclaimer states that estimates are based on current taxation and NOT pending valuations (which could mislead voters). The government has never been honest, so why start now right? The average home will face $800+ of combined increases that supporters have equated to pocket change. Such statements are disrespectful towards retirees and families under medical, financial, and life pressures. National economic watchdogs report that many people don’t have $400 for an emergency; especially true in a town like BG with 30%+ poverty. Higher property taxes will spike rent collections and reward major real estate investors. Other supporters will raise prices to increase profits. In turn, low income residents and retirees will face financial difficulty and possible eviction and/or foreclosure. Many levy supporters are eager for this to happen so they too can obtain property for pennies. Don’t let them take what you have worked for.

Almost 2/3’s of property taxes go to BGCS (and millions more from the valuations are coming) but they say it’s never enough. There is no guarantee about the cost of this project and we could be on the hook for millions more (like the BG city building fiasco). Respect and understanding what taxpayers are experiencing would benefit the BGCS community. Instead, a few well off individuals demand that the rest of us kneel at their feet while they take what we have left in the name of education. I’ve yet to witness any of these individuals presenting a big donation towards a school. This attitude is unacceptable. It’s time to restore financial transparency and accountability to our education system. We need another plan to stop this madness. Please consider voting NO on November 7th.

Chris Sabo

Bowling Green

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