A woman’s right to choose (choice)


A woman’s ‘first right to choose” what she wants to do with her body ended when she “chose” to have sexual intercourse. This is her “right” to do with her body as she wishes to do. If she becomes pregnant, the baby belongs to the woman (donated egg), and the man (donated seed). It is murder to take the life of the baby from the time of conception onward to live birth. In fact, it is the legal, moral, and ethical duty and responsibility of the man and the woman to protect that life. (See case law on abuse of a fetus and the unborn, i.e. drug use, alcohol use, physical abuse, etc.)

A woman’s “second right to choose” what she wants to do with her body, was when and if, she chooses a contraceptive. I list 19 methods of contraceptive. She could use the birth control pill (99% effective), have the man wear a condom, use the oral sex method, digital method, interuterine method (diaphragm), withdrawal, rhythm, cervical caps, spermacide, implants and/or patches (hormonal), surgical sterilization, tubal ligation, shots, and female condoms.

As the woman has the right to do as she wants with her body, we know to protect herself and others, she gets shots for the flu, chinese corona virus covid 19 (coming), pneumonia, shingles, etc. If the woman can do this to protect herself, she can also protect herself so there is no unwanted (and probably unloved) child. Men and women, stop murdering the world’s future doctors, nurses, teachers, lawyers, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, and grandfathers.

Please stop murdering the world’s future population. Don’t be so lazy and selfish when the “choice” is murder or life. This opinion is from a father of three loving, and loved children, and grandfather of six loving and loved grand children.

Loren Angel


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