BG Planning Commission OKs annexation, rezoning


The Bowling Green Planning Commission on Wednesday heard annexation and interim zoning requests for one property, and a rezoning request for another, on South Dunbridge Road upon which the owner wishes to build a veterinary clinic.

The annexation and interim zoning request were for approximately 1.52 acres located on South Dunbridge, in Center Township. The request was made by Ryan Rothenbuhler, acting as agent for Vicki Frobose.

According to a document sent to the commission by Planning Director Heather Sayler, the Wood County Commissioners approved the annexation petition in July, and the matter was forwarded to the city for the review process. In a second document regarding the interim zoning for the parcel, Sayler noted that she is required to “recommend the zoning which most closely corresponds with the present zoning of the parcel,” and under the zoning of Center Township, it is zoned A-1 Agricultural, which corresponds with the city’s own A-1 Agricultural zoning.

Sayler wrote that while she is required to recommend A-1 for the site, the commission is able to make other recommendations, and “in this situation, the owner has requested the IE Innovation and Employment Zone, which allows the use of a veterinary clinic.”

Commission Chair Bob McOmber moved that the commission recommend that city council accept the annexation, and also recommended the interim zoning of IE to council. Council will make a final decision on those recommendations.

The rezoning request was for approximately 1.57 acres along South Dunbridge Road, north of 815 South Dunbridge, from A-1 Agricultural zoning to IE Innovation and Employment zoning classification. Rothenbuhler again made the request, acting as agent for Frobose. In the zoning change application, it was noted that the “applicant intends to build an animal services clinic on this parcel and the adjacent parcel to the north.”

The commission is required to hold a public hearing on such a rezoning request, and the matter was set out for that hearing at the commission’s next meeting on Oct. 4.

Sayler also asked that the commission add two additional public hearings to the Oct. 4 meeting’s agenda, both of them concerning proposed amendments to the new zoning code. The first amendment, to chapter 150.44, concerns issues related to the installation of patios at residences. The second amendment, to chapter 150.72, concerns issues that have arisen regarding industrial businesses being allowed to have parking at the front of their structures.

In further business, the commission welcomed a new member, Julie Broadwell.

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