Serving up some soup — and a lesson about sharing


By Alex Holwerda

Special to the Sentinel-Tribune

A story about sharing fit in well with the Wood County District Public Library’s summer reading program, which has the theme All Together Now.

Participants enjoyed a snack and book at the library’s “Stone Soup” lunch last month.

“’Stone Soup’ is such a wonderful folktale that we knew we wanted to program around this summer because it’s all about sharing and our summer reading theme is All Together Now, so it really fit in well,” said Maria Simon, coordinator for youth services at the library.

“Stone Soup” is a folktale about a hungry stranger getting townspeople to donate an item and create a hearty soup.

“We knew we wanted to do ‘Stone Soup,’ so let’s definitely serve some soup and act out the story,” Simon said. “That was kind of the motivation here is to really bring the story to life for kids.”

The story has several different versions, but they all end with the same important lesson of sharing and helping, she said.

Simon said that the Friends of the Library organization helps make programs like the summer reading one possible.

“The Friends of the Library is a fabulous organization that helps us all year long with all kinds of things and really, they step up during the summer and help us with our summer reading program,” Simon said.

The “Stone Soup” participants also donated items for the Brown Bag Food Project.

“Stone Soup,” along with other stories and resources, can be accessed online through the library’s Hoopla account. To learn more, call 419-352-8253, email [email protected], or visit

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