Feeling the beat at the library: Drummunity rhythmic fun


The Wood County District Public Library and Lori Fithian of Drummunity held a Drummunity circle on June 2 in the library atrium, 251 N. Main St.

A Drummunity circle is a high energy, fun and empowering activity for any group.

Fithian, a drum circle facilitator and workshop leader, used her collection of hand drums and percussion toys to transform the library into a Drummunity.

Lori Fithian leads the Drummunity circle.

Alex Stutzman | Sentinel-Tribune

Alex Stutzman | Sentinel-Tribune

Alex Stutzman | Sentinel-Tribune

Lori Fithian demonstrates how to use different istruments.

The Drummunity circle.

(Photos by Alex Stutzman | Sentinel-Tribune)

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