Community Briefs


Take self defense class at hospital

A personal safety and defense class will be offered for free on Thursday at Wood County Hospital from 5:30-9 p.m.

Discover tips and tricks on how to avoid looking like an easy target and learn ways to make a home more secure. Gain insights on safe traveling and find out how to take defensive action.

Experts from the Bowling Green Police Division will share prevention strategies to help lower the risk of becoming a victim. Learn self-defense techniques that can minimize the effects of assaults. Although physical participation is not required, active participation is encouraged.

Pre-register for the class by emailing [email protected] or call Wellness Services at 419-354-8887.

Children aged 11 and up are welcome as long as they’re accompanied by an adult.

Rhythmic fun for everyone at the library

Join the Wood County District Public Library and Lori Fithian of Drummunity for a Drummunity circle on June 2 at 2 p.m. in the library atrium, 251 N. Main St.

A Drummunity circle is a high energy, fun and empowering activity for any group. Fithian, a drum circle facilitator and workshop leader, will use her collection of hand drums and percussion toys to transform the library into a Drummunity. Join to experience the community-building that happens when people come together around a circle of drums.

No registration is required. For more information, call 419-352-8253, email [email protected], or visit

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