Sky’s the limit: Civil Air Patrol holds open house at Wood County Airport


Prospective cadets were looking to the skies on Saturday as they visited with members of the Civil Air Patrol during an open house at the Wood County Regional Airport in Bowling Green.

Civil Air Patrol 1st Lt. James Spradling points out cockpit details in the Bowling Green unit’s Cessna airplane. (Roger LaPointe | Sentinel-Tribune)

“I’ve just always liked aeronautics and just always been interested, and read books about it. So I thought this would be a cool thing to look into,” Evelyn Blue, a sophomore at Springfield High School, said.

She tried the flight simulator and was excited as she talked with cadets about all the different flight-related activities they do.

Open house visitors look over the science, technology, engineering and mathematics education kits and courses that are available for free to teachers who implement the prepackaged Civil Air Patrol designed units into their programs. (Roger LaPointe | Sentinel-Tribune)

The open house had officers and cadets in uniform performing a drill demonstration, aircraft displays, flight simulators and drones. There were information tables from the Emergency Services, Flight Operations, Cadet Programs, Aerospace Education and Radio Communications and the STEM science programs for teachers.

The three local units were present: the Wood County Senior, Toledo ANGB Cadet and Flag City Composite Squadrons.

Capt. Joseph Masiker, front, leads Civil Air Patrol cadets through a drill, as part of the demonstration event last Saturday. (Roger LaPointe | Sentinel-Tribune)

The Civil Air Patrol starts with members aged 12 and older, with the mission of “transforming youth into dynamic Americans and aerospace leaders.” They participate in weekly meetings and one monthly weekend event. Activities and education includes leadership, aerospace, fitness and character development.

The CAP Emergency Services program is one of the key functions served by cadets as they learn the skills of ground team members, radio operators and assistants at incident command posts.

Evelyn Blue, a sophomore at Springfield High School, left, is trying her hand at the Civil Air Patrol flight simulator at the Wood County Regional Airport in Bowling Green on Saturday. (Roger LaPointe | Sentinel-Tribune)

The Wood County Senior Squadron serves as Northwest Ohio’s CAP emergency services hub for training and activities including flight operations, unmanned aircraft, search and rescue, disaster relief, and radio communications. It is made up of senior members 18 and older and and based at the Wood County Regional Airport, just off the campus of Bowling Green State University. Many of the cadets take aviation courses through the university.

More about the Civil Air Patrol can be found on the internet at

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