Swanton man sentenced for sending nude photo

A Swanton man who earlier this month requested to withdraw his guilty plea has been sentenced for a sex crime.

Todd Dixon, 53, appeared Monday in the courtroom of Wood County Common Pleas Judge Molly Mack.

He had pleaded guilty in January to the amended charge of disseminating matter harmful to juveniles, a fifth-degree felony.

Defense attorney Kent Sobran earlier this month had filed a motion for his client to withdraw the guilty plea, citing it had been entered before the ramifications of a felony conviction were known.

Sobran said the main reason to withdraw the plea was because Dixon was hoping for a misdemeanor conviction in order to pursue employment.

Sobran withdrew the request.

“I would call this a lapse in judgement,” he said about his client.

Dixon said he spent the last 15 years taking care of his family and had been looking for companionship.

“Once I realized how old she was, I ceased all communication with her,” he said.

On May 21, Perrysburg Police took a report of a woman who said her daughter had received a video on Snapchat from an unknown man. The photo showed male genitalia.

The girl was 13 years old at the time.

Dixon admitted to sending the photo.

He said he has deleted the app from his phone and doesn’t plan to ever use it again.

Mack imposed a sentence of three years of community control with the condition Dixon have no contact with the minor victim.