Constitution is law of the land


Gun violence has been in the news quite a bit lately. In fact, violence of all kinds is always in the news. There is way too much, and has been for quite some time. What is the answer, how do we solve this on-going problem?

The Second Amendment isn’t absolute, so says President Joe Biden. Does this mean none of the amendments aren’t absolute? Isn’t the U.S. Constitution the law of the land? Isn’t it what politicians have sworn to support and defend when they took their oath of office? Everyone who has served and is serving in the U.S. military have sworn to support and defend the Constitution. So why isn’t it absolute?

What good are laws if we don’t have to follow and obey them? Violence of any description is against the law and gun control doesn’t work. Law-abiding citizens are responsible. Violent people are not. New laws will be ignored, just as current laws are. If someone cannot purchase a gun legally, they will buy one on the black market or just steal one. After all they are criminals.

What we need is a return to basic morality and respect for others.

The difference between right and wrong must be part of any educational system. Schools at all levels, training at any business or industry, must emphasize this. Civilizations have crumbled due to lawlessness. Check your history. Honesty is the best policy, successful businesses and organizations thrive when honesty is the dominant factor in running them. Punishment for violating the rules is imperative.

Our society has developed into an immoral, selfish one. We need to bring back true morality.

Most, if not all, religious faiths have a moral basis. But we have strayed away from faith. Even as faiths have different beliefs they all have honesty as part of their structure. Regardless of our personal faith or lack of faith, having high moral standards is essential to civilizations.

New laws for guns won’t work; criminals and violent people don’t follow the laws. Mental health should be the focus as well as raising the moral standard of our society. That will work. It may not eliminate violence and shootings, but it would reduce it. Making our country and communities safer. Red flag laws may only lead to people being flagged because of their political beliefs, not always because they are dangerous.

And yes, Mr. President, the Second Amendment and all the others are absolute. The U.S. Constitution is the law of the land – absolutely. It can only be changed by following the procedures spelled out in it.

A return to a highly moral society, should be the focal point to reducing crime and mass shootings. Even if one doesn’t believe in a supreme being – God – one can still be of high moral character. This cannot be legislated, it must come from the people. All the people of every race, ethnic group, religious belief or lack of, gender and any other way we classify, we the people.

Herb Dettmer is a retired Bowling Green resident, U.S. Army veteran and writes this column representing the viewpoint of “Joe Average” citizen. He is freelance writer and author of “Others,” a devotional book. Call or text “Joe” with comments at 419-494-4641.

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